Download Mac Blu-ray Player For Windows + Serial Number

Di malam yang indah ini sya ingin share software yang sudah tidak asing lagi nih... namanya Mac Blu-ray Player For Windows, software ini adalah software yang bisa sobat gunakan untuk memutar vidio bluray HD movies (secara gampang bisa sobat artikan video yang lebih tinggi kualitasnya diatas DVD) mungkin sekarang bukan jaman DVD lagi tapi sudah beranjak ke Blu-ray sebuah piringan mirip DVD/VCD yang lbih besar kapasitasnya dibanding DVD apalagi VCD.. mmm.. begitu sih kayaknya artinya..he..he..selain bisa memutar Blu-ray software Mac Blu-ray Player For Windows  juga bisa memutar bebagai  video demgan format yang sudah populerseperti MOV, MKV, AVI, FLV, WMV, MP4, MPEG, RMVB, MP3, WMA, AAC, AC3 dan lain-lain, gimana.. jika sobat punya piringan cakram Blu-ray sobat bisa mencoba software Mac Blu-ray Player For Windows ini..

Do you  looking for software for blu-ray player. I think Mac Blu-ray Player is an intuitive and user-friendly universal HD media player available for both Mac OS X and Windows platforms. Mac Blu-ray Player can not only play Blu-ray HD movies, but it also features support for any video, audio, that you have on your PC. for more information..

Features : 
  • The first Blu-ray player that can support both Mac and PC system: Both Mac and PC systems available. This finishes the history that Mac cannot play Blu-ray disc. 
  • Perfect supporting Blu-ray decryption and is capable of removing AACS, BD+ without limitation:
  • Outstanding universal performance. Play anything including movie, video, audio, music and photo:
  • Powerful High-Definition video player and hardware acceleration available:
  • All media formats supported: like Blu-ray, DVD, VideoCD, MOV, MKV, AVI, FLV, WMV, MP4, MPEG, RMVB, MP3, WMA, AAC, AC3 and more. Mac Blu-ray Player is able to play anything here no matter the formats or categories.
  • Share movie or video information with friends anywhere and anytime:

  •  Intel Core2 Duo 2.4GHz processor or higher recommended
  • 512 MB or higher recommended
  • 250 MB of free disk space
  • A internal or external Blu-ray drive
  • USB≥ 2.0 or FireWire≥ 400

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  • Setelah Klik Link Download Sobat Akan Di arahkan Ke
  • Tunggu 5 Detik Kemudian Klik "SKIP AD"

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