Kini safari telah merilis versi terbarunya yaitu Safari 5.1.7 Safari adalah software untuk browsing di internet yang cukup canggih dan selalu uptodate, sobat tentu sudah tahu dengan safari 5.1.7 ini khan.
Lebih banyak ruang browsing: Safari dirancang untuk menekankan browsing, bukan browser. Bingkai browser piksel tunggal lebar. sobat bisa melihat scroll bar hanya bila diperlukan. Secara default, tidak ada status bar. Sebaliknya, indikator kemajuan berubah sebagai beban halaman. sobatakan menemukan tab di bagian paling atas browser, membuka jendela yang lebih luas untuk tampilan website. Sebuah browser yang hebat, Safari memungkinkan sobat dalam menikmati web. gimana.. sobat ingin mencoba...
Lebih banyak ruang browsing: Safari dirancang untuk menekankan browsing, bukan browser. Bingkai browser piksel tunggal lebar. sobat bisa melihat scroll bar hanya bila diperlukan. Secara default, tidak ada status bar. Sebaliknya, indikator kemajuan berubah sebagai beban halaman. sobatakan menemukan tab di bagian paling atas browser, membuka jendela yang lebih luas untuk tampilan website. Sebuah browser yang hebat, Safari memungkinkan sobat dalam menikmati web. gimana.. sobat ingin mencoba...
In English :
You must know safari 5.1.7. is a web browsers simply got you to the Internet. just like another browser mozilla, chrome, opera, But from the day it was released, Safari 5.1.7 set the bar higher for web browsers. It introduced sophisticated design elements that made browsing a joy. Easy to use, Safari stayed out of your way and let you effortlessly navigate from site to site.
More browsing space: Safari 5.1.7 is designed to emphasize the browsing, not the browser. The browser frame is a single pixel wide. You see a scroll bar only when needed. By default, there's no status bar. Instead, a progress indicator turns as your page loads. You'll find tabs at the very top of the browser, opening an even wider window for viewing websites. A great browser, Safari lets you simply enjoy the web.
More browsing space: Safari 5.1.7 is designed to emphasize the browsing, not the browser. The browser frame is a single pixel wide. You see a scroll bar only when needed. By default, there's no status bar. Instead, a progress indicator turns as your page loads. You'll find tabs at the very top of the browser, opening an even wider window for viewing websites. A great browser, Safari lets you simply enjoy the web.
Features :
- Flipping Through History And Bookmarks: For any iPhone user, Safari will seem familiar. When you go into either your Bookmarks or your History, Safari allows you to flip through images of Web pages just as you would through the album covers in your music collection.
- Full Page Zoom: On the individual page level, Safari offers "Full Page Zoom," which allows you to zoom in on a page's text while preserving the page's original proportions.
- Speed: This Macintosh Web browser claims to have the highest speeds of any browser and even calls itself "blazingly fast." That is a tall order on any computer. Also, keep in mind that the speed of a page may also involve how the page is coded and how many images are on that page.