ScreenMaster 2.6 Full Serial - mungkin salah satu sobat ada yang suka mengambil gambar Dekstop. biasanya Di PC ada tombol shortcut printscreennya dengan menekan tombol "PrtSc SysRq" dan nanti tinggal di paste atau ctrl+V, namun paste harus berada di dalam program memungkinkan untuk memastekan gambar. kali ini jika sobat ingin mengambil gambar dekstop dan langsung menjadi gambar yang secara otomatis tersimpan di folder sobat bisa mencoba program ScreenMaster 2.6 Full Serial ini. carany gampang dan bisa di pakai siapapun, ukuran minim dan screenshot bisa di atur menjadi 3 format misal, JPG,BMP, PNG serta dengan pengaturan kualitas gambar.
Features :
- Work from the system tray
- Stealth mode without showing in the taskbar and system tray
- Automatic creation of screenshots at set intervals of time
- Creating screenshots on hotkey, including - click "PrintScreen"
- Capture of the selected screen area, active window or entire screen
- Capture the mouse cursor
- Saving images in files with automatic numeric names or the addition of the creation time
- Ability to enter a file name after each screen shot (manual mode)
- Support for saving to a shared network folders
- The automatic opening to take a screenshot in MS Paint
- Start autoshooting after start application
- Cyclic overwrite old screenshots for automatic shooting
- Supported file formats BMP, JPEG, PNG
- Set the compression level for JPEG and PNG
- Ability to archive screenshots in zip-archive
- Event logging to a text file
- Unrar
- Install Dan Tutup Programnya
- Copy Replacekan Crack Ke directory Penginnstalan C:/Program Files/ScreenMaster
- Jalankan Program nya Dan masukkan serialnya
- Done, Enjoy.
ScreenMaster 2.6 Full Serial